
7 items total
Farnam REPEL - X repellent (473 ml)
€57,67 excl. VAT

It is repellent on the basis of the odpudzuje a zabíja množstvo druhov múch, komárov a ostatného hmyzu. Obsahuje pyretríny, piperonylbutoxid, a permetrín. In advance, you can...

Code: GF-PU00319
EQUI-SPOT repellent (3 x 10 ml)
€47,92 excl. VAT

Insects are more than annoying; they can also transmit serious diseases. You can't always be there to apply fly and insect protection, but Equi-Spot Spot-On Protection for...

Code: GF-PU00316
Farnam TRI-TEC repellent (3 800 ml) (946 ml)
€76,35 excl. VAT

Tri-tec is an effective insect repellent for horses. The composition of the repellent combines the immediate effect of natural pyrethrins with the long-lasting effect of...

Code: GF-PU00317
Farnam TRI-TEC repellent (3 800 ml) (600 ml)
€47,92 excl. VAT

Tri-tec is an effective insect repellent for horses. The composition of the repellent combines the immediate effect of natural pyrethrins with the long-lasting effect of...

Code: GF-PU00315
Farnam TRI-TEC repellent (3 800 ml)
€268,04 excl. VAT

Tri-tec is an effective insect repellent for horses. The composition of the repellent combines the immediate effect of natural pyrethrins with the long-lasting effect of...

Code: GF-PU00318
Farnam Swatclear 200 g
€54,41 excl. VAT

Formulated for use on wounds, sores, scrapes and abrasions, SWAT® Ointment is the ideal solution for use on sensitive and hard to reach areas. Apply daily for effective fly...

Code: GF-PU00322
Farnam REPEL-X repellent (946 ml)
€132,39 excl. VAT

An effective water-based repellent repels and kills many types of flies, mosquitoes and other insects. Contains pyrethrins, piperonyl butoxide, and permethrin. To ensure...

Code: GF-PU00319A

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