High-quality oil will give the hooves a natural shiny appearance and support the maintenance of healthy, flexible hooves. Carefully brush the clean hoof with a clean, soft...
It works in two ways. Firstly, it sinks deep into the skin to soothe and lessen the itch, supporting damaged or irritated skin back to its normal healthy condition. Secondly, it...
No rinse, no worries. Prepare to be cool and wash the build up of sweat and dust right out of your horse’s hair with this cooling no rinse body wash. Designed to cool down,...
Glycerin-based liquid soap gently and thoroughly cleans the skin. It hydrates dry skin, provides it with moisture, thereby preventing it from drying out and cracking, thus...
External muscle and tendon recovering therapy for horses
Recovers and relaxes muscles and tendons
Relieves from muscle cramps
Approved and certified product by FEI...
It is repellent on the basis of the odpudzuje a zabíja množstvo druhov múch, komárov a ostatného hmyzu. Obsahuje pyretríny, piperonylbutoxid, a permetrín. In advance, you can...
Show Sheen Stain Remuver & Whitener by Absorbine is a very effective product for removing stains Its pH balanced formula includes panthenol, pro-vitamins, green tea, and fruit...
BLACKSMITH oil: prevents the onset of fungi and bacteria, differs from the classic ointment due to its convenient packaging with brush, making application quick and practical....